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London Reflections

SaaS Cloud-Native Platform

Secure. Fully Functional. Real-Time.

Agile Fast Digital Transformation

Our SaaS digital banking platform can go live in weeks.



Our SaaS Platform empowers financial services providers to offer a true digital core banking. Our SaaS Platform is cloud-agnostic cloud-native and provides the required functionality to facilitate and expedite customer management,  product offerings, settlements, accounting, reporting, and business governance. It provides real-time processing for today's financial services requirements. Powered by our banking engine, our platform is built to support true relationship banking. It provides customers with real-time access to banking services such as deposits, account inquiries, and fund transfers. Our SaaS Platform has pre-configured parameters and supports multi-lingual operations and multi-entity roll-outs.


OPEN APIs and customizable UX front-end module let our Partners build experiences that will put them ahead of their competition. Our OPEN APIs enable to efficiently deploy, maintain, enhance, and support derived applications and related services. A key component that provides the ability to accelerate the launch of specific banking solutions, and other digitally advanced, channel-agnostic FinTech services. Over 150 APIs across payments, and corporate banking domains, includes differentiated functionalities. Our OPEN APIs, are highly adaptive and do operate with intelligent pre-and post-processing capabilities, and are easy to integrate.

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Data Analytics for financial institutions, data scientists can analyze and visualize complex data records at scale. Contemporary network management requires efficient, cost-effective data analysis of end-users to maximize customer base revenue and return value on software infrastructure investments. Data Analytics can analyze millions of complex transactions and release the true power of the SaaS Platform cloud-native data analytics for a superior experience and real-time results. Data Analytics can enable the understanding of customers’ behavior, detect patterns and support the prediction of customer’s needs to provide the proper offers at the right time.  



Our SaaS Platform provide a set of capabilities that allows mobile apps adapt to changing market conditions. By applying the latest mobile technologies that conform to the devices with innovative features that the end-user expects to utilize. Our suite help to leverage the end-user time online to deliver better service, reduce costs, and access other products through personalized mobile/digital services. It can enable Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to serve the under-banked with a new generation of financial products. Our SaaS Platform supports multi-channel delivery with high level of operational efficiency while complying regulatory requirements. 

Data on a Touch Pad

Features & Benefits

Leveraging a set of capabilities for rapid deployment.

Fully Integrated

A front/back end SaaS, easy-to-configure, with all modules working as one integrated system. Our SaaS Platform enables the configuration of tailored products and services, to meet the critical needs and adapt to dynamic business environments.

Collaborative Processing

Our SaaS Platform serves different processes and/or external modules, for a collaborative "business supply" chain. It operates in real-time, while preserving transaction and data integrity in high performance processing environments and it is easy to integrate.

Real Time

Our SaaS Platform provides straight-through real-time processing to empower financial and money business services delivery with agile techniques, higher level of automation, and scalability for domestic and international operations.

External Relationships

Our SaaS Platform manages the relationship with external entities involved in the businesses. The counterparties’ data are held in a centralized database allowing consistency within/between/among the various transactions, empowering banks with the level of flexibility required.

Agile - Granular

A comprehensive, agile, granular front/back-end platform, easy-to-configure. Products-processes ready to be tailored to resolve critical needs and address diverse and dynamic business environments. designed to support flexibility through its service composition.

Cloud - Mobile

A fully managed cloud-native and cloud-agnostic environment providing high level of security standards. With cloud, mobile, and self-service, fully at work, end-users are assisted through a direct interaction with their data, by supporting processes, and the workflows required.

Optimizing Cloud Banking

The result of significant and sustained R&D efforts

             True Digital


Our SaaS Digital Banking Platform features straight-through processing and real-time event-driven architecture. We deliver a broad banking services options with a completely customer-centric database. Our SaaS Platform consists of multiple banking sub-systems covering the major functions of an international bank. From Loans/Deposits to Foreign Exchange and Reporting, We support an incremental, evolutionary implementation approach, reducing the risks in new development or integration projects.

          Highly Adaptive

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Our OPEN APIs enables efficient deployment, maintenance, enhancement, and support of derived applications and related services. A key component that provides the ability to accelerate the launch of banking solutions, and other digitally advanced, channel-agnostic Fintech services. OPEN APIs, are highly adaptive, and do operate with intelligent pre and post-processing capabilities. Our SaaS Platform is easy to integrate; it is engineered to deliver fast and comprehensive banking services.

            Data Analytics

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Data Analytics is a comprehensive offering providing data and business events analysis, by continuously analyzing data in real time. Data Analytics controls consistency of customer experience across data distribution channels. Data Analytics helps to understand and address customer needs across diverse segments by providing augmented analysis that continuously learn from the data it takes in to make smarter and accurate predictions as time and events goes by.

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